About Us
Luxuriant is a company. Born on the passion of founder Tananya born and raised in Roiet, Thailand. Growing up in an agricultural environment. she has always had a passion of producing high quality natural herbs. As well as being the official distributor of Neo hair Lotion, Luxuriant farms and creates the highest quality products in Thailand and brings them to the UK at affordable prices.
This is David and Tananya the founders of Luxuriant. Luxuriant was created on the back of Tananya’s passion. For Natural cosmetic remedies and a chance meeting with David pictured here with Dr Paiboon the inventor of Neo Hair in Bangkok. David has had a heart transplant and was always sceptical of hair treatments but under Tananya’s guidance his hair grew back and from here the Vision of Luxuriant was born. From our factory in Roiet, Thaland Luxuriant create 100% natural and authentic brand creating the highest quality products improving the lives of 1000’s men and women without the need for Hair transplants and other surgery. We also work directly with Dr Paiboon as the official UK certificated sellers of Neo hair lotion. Please be reassured we only supply 100% natural and authentic products.
If you have any further enquiries please do not hesitate to call David on 07956018635 he is always happy to help/answer questions.
Thanks so much,
David and Tananya